Thursday, January 4, 2007

Day 4 - All is right with the world again!!!!

I have to say, when the possiblity of having to go gluten-free came up (over 6 months ago and I'm FINALLY giving it a try!), the thought terrified me. I am passionate about food. I am passionate about baking. I like to cook, but I LOVE to bake. I prize myself on my desserts and being the ooooh and ahhhh at every function. My apple cobbler is legendary in the pot luck circuit among my friends, asked for at almost every gathering. The thought of never eating my apple cobbler again absolutely struck fear into the core of my being.

Baking has always been a source of relaxation to me. In the face of even the most stressful situtations, i have been known to shut myself into the kitchen and emerge with chocolate chip cookies, banana bread or cupcakes. Because of the need for precise measurements for the "science" of baking, you have to pay attention...full focus. That's always what I've liked. I can lose myself in baking. It has never been a chore and I absolutely adore it!

Of course, everyone I meet with Celiac or who is gluten-free tells me not to focus on this yet, to sit back, relax and try the already premade products out there that are so plentiful. But this was the point that vexed me all will I bake? How will I do my stress relieving if I can't bake? And what's the point of baking if you can't enjoy it yourself? Sure I could bake for others, and I do enjoy that, but if can't test the batter to make sure it tastes good. Can't try the finished product, what's the point???

Well, today, I baked. Something that is one of my favorites. I've adapted a recipe from my sister-in-law, Anne ( And it turned out not just well, but terrific, you'd never even be able to tell that there was no wheat flour in it at all. I was going to keep them a secret, but have decided to share it with you anyway! Here it is!

Decadent GLUTEN FREE Chocolate Brownie Bites

1 Cup Semi-sweet Chocolate Chips
1 stick unsalted butter
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup + 2 Tbs White Rice Flour *see note below

In a microwave safe bowl, melt choclate chips and butter together until smooth (I did in 30 second bursts, stirring until it was really smooth). Allow this to cool.

Stir in eggs, vanilla and flour. Mix well, it may be a little lumpy, but that's okay.

Spoon into mini muffin pan OR baking cups spritzed with allowable cooking spray. Bake at 350 for 12-15 minutes. Today, I spooned them into my new silicone baking cups which were a standard size, i had to bake for 19 minutes. Be careful to not overbake, and allow to cool completely before removing from pan.

*note - I used white rice flour b/c it was what I had, but I imagine you could use brown rice, soy, sorghum or another flour. I wouldn't use a real beany flour, though, I'm sure that would affect the taste too much.

So good, so good! I hope you enjoy them!!!


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