Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Not Giada's Nutella Brownies

Okay, I'm going to confess big time here. I do watch Giada DeLaurentis. I certainly get annoyed with words like "spagitteeee" and other unreal pronounciations! BUT, she usually has some great recipes. And she always does something with Nutella. I love Nutella. I have recently confirmed with the company that it is, in fact, gluten free. For those of you who need to be nut-free and casein free, this recipe is not for you.

I also have the good fortune to live less than a 1/4 mile away from Bova Food Distributors, which is an Italian food supplier to restaurants and chains, etc. As a matter of fact, I found out in the store the other day that they are actually the 2nd largest supplier to Italian restaurants in the tri-state area! And not only are they so close, but they open the showroom to the public and you can go in there an buy a lot of italian specialties. I go there for my tomato paste (I know, strange to go there for one thing, but truth be known I love walking around the restaurant supply side and dream of one day owning my own Gluten free bakery or restaurant). Well, my eldest daughter loves to watch cooking shows with me, and to cook with me. She saw the Nutella on Giada's show the other day, when in Bova, we saw the jar...we decided to get it. Now...not being able to spread it on bread (well, okay Van's Waffles work nice as a transport too!), I decided to do something with it.

Well...they started out as cookies. I am learning though, when making gluten-free cookie recipes, bake a couple and decide if you need to alter before baking the rest. After baking my two test cookies, I decided this recipe would be better as brownies.

I looked at a ton of recipes that used Nutella to determine if it could replace fat. It can somewhat...but because it has add in ingredients, it needs something to help it along fat wise. I was kind of dissapointed that the recipe didn't work as cookies, well, that was until they came out of the oven. OH GOSH, I ate 4 brownies while taking pictures! :D

Below is my recipe for Nutella Brownies:

Nutella Brownies

1/2 Cup Nutella
1/4 Cup Butter, softened
1/4 Cup shortening, softened
1/2 Cup sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
1 Cup Gluten Free Flour Blend (I used a combo of Land O Lakes recommended blend and Bob's Red Mill - I didn't have enough of either to make a full cup - use your favorite blend - one that already includes the Xanthum Gum)
1 tsp baking powder
pinch salt

I used my Kitchen Aid mixer with paddle arm (but you could use electric hand mixer). Beat Nutella, butter and shortening together with sugar. Beat on medium speed for aobut 2 to three minutes until really really fluffy. Add egg and vanilla, continue beating.

In a separate bowl, sift together flour, baking powder and salt.

Gradually add flour to wet ingredients.

Beat very well.

Pour into a greased 9 X 9 square pan (I actually used my 9" springform pan). Bake 30 minutes in a 350 degree oven. (I would also recommend allowing it to sit in the oven as it's cooling - crack the door a little - this will keep it from falling like mine did. Allow to cool completely before cutting.

Now...send it over the top with homemade ice cream, I DARE ya!


  1. I've driven by Bova hundreds of times and I had no idea that they had a store!

    Your brownies sound great! We're big Nutella fans here! :)


  2. One more thing...could you please share your bread recipe? I can't remember if you said it was on here or not, but I didn't see it.


  3. Denise - I'll email you the link - it's actually on Recipezaar or one of those, but I'll send ya the link! :D

  4. Um....sorry! Didn't realize I was logged in as my husband! LOL :D Adopted Son is my hubby. It will be ME who sends it to you, NOT HIM! LOL :D

  5. Yum- those look amazing! I am so tempted to get nutella myself . . .

  6. I'll come right out and say they were great. Mmm.

  7. Those sound great.

    I love Nutella!!!!

    It, simply put, rocks.

  8. Have you tried any recipes or this one in particular with coconut flour? I just made a fabulous chocolate cake made with coconut flour and coconut milk. Even the icing was a sort of ganache made with coconut milk instead of cream. I have a child with a severe milk allergy we think! Either milk or hormone problems.

  9. You have an award awaiting you on my blog LOL

  10. Linda - I haven't used coconut flour yet. I've heard it's really neat...nice and sweet and adds nice texture to the finished product. Can't find it very cheaply here. I would imagine that subbing soy, rice or almond milk for regular milk in recipes would work okay, too.

  11. Hi Kristin! You and your daughter really need to publish your own GF cookbook! I would definately back you, that's for sure! You are a genius when it comes to GF cooking/baking and I hopr to see more of your recipes soon! I too have passed Bova a thousand times but have never stopped in, I will now that's for sure! Take care!

  12. No offense to Giada but the shortening will kill you. Try organic virgin coconut oil as an alternative. It will not only help your waistline but it has many other health benefits. Check out tropicaltraditions.com. It is a great company we have used for a while. Not only can it aid in weight loss but you aren't ruining your brain cell receptors with hydrogenated oils. Don't wait to hear it on the news, see for yourself before you become a statistic.

  13. Ok, I went out and got nuetella just to try these. Super yummy and super worth it!

  14. Oh I am dying to make these , so please clarify to me what is "Land O Lakes recommended blend"??? Thank you. Love your blog!

  15. The Land O Lakes blend is on their website. Just go to www.landolakes.com and search for their gluten free flour blend. Works very well.

  16. Hi - I stumbled onto your blog when searching for gluten free nutella brownies!! Thanks for the recipe - I can't wait to try it!! Quick question, you said with xanthan gum already added - we have separate flour & gum, so how much gum should I add? Oh, and I am going to try the Chinese cabbage & eggs - we are hosting a student from China for the school year! =)

  17. Can we use just regular flour for this receipe?

  18. Yes, you can, keep in mind if you use a gluten containing flour, it's no longer gluten-free (I know, duh, but there are some who would...). I have not attempted to make these with normal flour, although, now that I'm not gluten free, you do have me curious!
