Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Over the Top Peanut Butter Brownies

I'd like to say I have a picture of these. I was actually thinking there would be some left. I even thought I'd just take a picture of the empty pan as a joke! But I cannot!

Today was our homeschool co-op's field day (which was a monumental blast, by the way). I took these brownies, thinking, "ya know, everyone's bringing treats I can't have, I'm gonna bring myself something yummy." WELL, they were a hit. One person I've met a few times was recently diagnosed as well and was ecstatic to know there was a treat she could eat! I had several others ask about "gluten free", which was an encouragement to me. I always feel odd man out, and this makes me feel sometimes Iike I have a bullseye on my head. Well, today, I actually felt like the "in crowd". No one looked at me strange at all!

Even the kids liked them. And, when I went to get my pan, it was EMPTY. NO CRUMBS, NO NOTHING. Didn't even look like I had put anything in there.

So, I promised I'd post the recipe, and here it is. It is an adaptation of the gluten-free peanut butter cookie recipe that floats around out there. This was recently posted on the Forum, of course, I tweaked it! :D

Over-the-top Peanut Butter Brownies

2 cups peanut butter (1 16 oz jar, I used natural pb)
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 tablespoons maple syrup (optional, makes them a little "gooey")

1 12 oz package milk chocolate chips

In a mixing bowl, with mixer set on medium (or use a hand mixer, I would not try this one by hand) mix peanut butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla. While beating add in the maple syrup. Beat very well.

Pour into a greased 13 X 9" pan.

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes - oven's can vary, so I check after 30 minutes, then check every 5 minutes until "done" to your liking. Mine ended up taking a total of 45 minutes....but start watching after 30, just so they don't get over done.

IMMEDIATELY AFTER taking the pan out of the oven, sprinkle the chips on top. Cover lightly with foil or something to hold the heat in a little. After about 5 minutes, the chips should be melted enough that you can spread like frosting.

I do recommending allowing them to cool completely before trying to cut and serve. I store them in the refridgerator.

:) I hope you like it! When I make them again, I'll come back and add a photo! :D


  1. I've had these. They're really good. I'm pissed there weren't any left overs!!!

  2. I have to admit that my kids and I are part of the reason there weren't any brownies left to take a picture of! :) They were delicious; thanks so much for posting the recipe.

    Gluten-free, here we come!


  3. AS...I can make them again, I just need to get some peanut butter and some chips! :D

    Denise! I'm so glad you enjoyed them. ANYWAY I can help you get started, keep going, etc. I'm here for you! :D

  4. Those look great. And easy.

    That's the best part!!!

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. I actually think I'm going to run out and get the ingredients again today. I only got to eat 1 brownie, i need more than that to satisfy! LOL :D

    Maybe just a half recipe? LOL :D

  6. Freeze some...more for another day???


  7. Now Slacker! I like the way you think! That sounds brilliant! I'll divide the batch between two pans and freeze one of them. You are so smart! :D

  8. The maple syrup is a nice idea. I'll bet that all tastes wonderful together.

  9. Yes! It was REALLY a dense brownie, nice and rice PB flavor. I added the chocolate on top to kind of mimic a cake we used to eat when I was a kid. The school I went to used to make this PB Cake that had a chocolate ganache on it. OHHHH soooooo goooood!!! :D

  10. This sounds great. I will make my mom make these for me when she comes to visit!

  11. Cheers for the recipe I tried it today when my nephews came around as they are only aloud to eat Gluten free. It was fun making them, they sounded yummy and tasted delicious!! Thanks so much : )

  12. Oh, hey! I make the three-ingredient pb cookies like these and NEVER thought to add chocolate or make them into brownies! Once are SO SMART!

  13. I'm younger than you Annie, my brain is still functioning, that's why! I'm kidding. I kid b/c I love! LOL :D (Folks, she's only 12 days older than me!)

  14. Hi there! This recipe looks great and I plan to try it out tonight, as I've been searching for a great GF Peanut Butter Brownie recipe to bake in a jar for my shop. Have you heard of jar cakes and brownies? It is an interesting method of baking-- you bake any quick bread in a mason jar then you "can" it (create a vacuum as with canning jam or vegetables through the heating/cooling method). Check out my site if you're interested... I will let you know how this recipe goes, hopefully I can manage to melt and spread the chocolate top layer successfully while retaining enough heat to get the lid to suction down.

