Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thanksgiving is Coming...

Okay, so for lots of folks their favorite holiday is Christmas. Well, for a long time, Thanksgiving has been much more important to me than Christmas. I have A LOT to be thankful for. I have a wonderful husband who works very hard so that I can be home to take care of and educated my 3 beautiful children. And they are beautiful! I live in a nice warm home. I have food on my table every night. And I have no serious, life threatening illnesses and neither do any I love. That's a good thing.

Well, as we get close to Thanksgiving, I'm hoping to update a few of my favorite recipes and make them gluten-free. I'm not sure how I'm going to do it with some! corn bread stuffing with cranberries and walnuts is the one that is going to be toughest, I think. Of course, there's also my husband's stepmothers (did you follow that one?) Pumpkin Squares, which traditionally uses a boxed yellow cake mix. Or how about Green Bean Casserole when you cannot use cream of mushroom soup OR french fried onions.

These are my goals in the next week to test these recipes and make them work in gluten-free lifestyle.

I will only post my successes!

As the day draws near, lets take time to remember all the things we have to be thankful for. And lets give our troops our thoughts and prayers as they are across the ocean, away from their families, defending the freedoms we hold so dear.



  1. FYI, Progresso creamy mushroom soup is gluten free. Perhaps that will help with the substitutions on the green bean casserole. I can't help you on the onions, as I was wondering what to do myself.

  2. Thanks Heather!

    I knew about Progresso...I'm thinking of making my own french fried onion rings by making up and frying a dough of rice flour, onion powder, salt, milk and butter...I think.

    If it works, I'll let you all know!

  3. I found this recipe, which bypasses the creamy mushroom soup altogether, and I think if I use gluten-free breadcrumbs and gluten-free flour, it might work out:

    And on RecipeZaar I found this gluten-free fried onions posted by GinnyP:

    I'm trying to make the casserole gluten-free because of my mother's dietary needs and know very little about gluten-free cooking. If you spot anything else here that could be problem, please let me know?

  4. Pamela's Cake and Cookie mixes are my favorite. She has a yellow cake mix that should work just like the gluten version.
