Sunday, December 23, 2007

Layered Peanut Butter Bar

Okay, so I know I promised Monster Cookies...but I LOST my recipe!!! I will find it, I promise! But not in time for Christmas.

Yesterday in the mail, I received a Betty Crocker 2008 Calendar. Honestly, it's a cruel joke, right? Every other recipe on the calendar contained one of their cookie mixes or known flour containing ingredients! YEAH, RIGHT! Well, truly, for me, now I look at a recipe and say to myself "How can I make THIS gluten-free" and set out to do that!

Well, one recipe just really caught my eye as and absolute must try! It was a Layered Peanut Butter Bar. So I made it. To take to my parents house on Christmas Eve. The only modification I had to make was to the Peanut Butter Cookie Layer. Which, instead of their Peanut Butter Cookie Mix, I used my 2 Cups of Peanut Butter Cookie Batter.

I pressed the cookie batter into the bottom of an 8" square pan, baked and then added the rest of the layers according to Betty Crocker's Recipe. there ANYTHING better than peanut butter and chocolate?


  1. To me there is nothing better then peanut butter and chocolate. They sound devine. I will have to try them after the first of the year. Have a wonderful holiday!

  2. Hi Krista, Bobby and the whole fam!
    Thanks for the Christmas card, and guess who else is a celiac? Yup, yours truly, found out in November of '06. So I'll be making good use of the recipes, links and tips on your site here. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us!

  3. LOLOLOLOL I am reading this laughing out loud! We must be on the same wave length krista!! I JUST READ your post, and this morning I posted some gluten free chocolate peanut butter bars!! LOLOL Happy New Year's!!

  4. Ooh chocolate AND peanut butter! Sounds like trouble. Yummy trouble. ;)

