Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ode to a Ceramic Tile Floor

I am very upset that I have used the "a thing of beauty is a joy forever" as a title for another post. I so hate repeating myself, so I did not.

The tiles we have had for the flooring for almost 2 months have been sitting in our garage. We've been planning colors, etc off this tile (that we got from Home Depot for .49/square foot, I might add!). I liked the tile. Was not sure that I liked it with the paint color we were using...but I liked it. It was always just a little off, but I figured it was my inability to imagine the finished product in my head (unlike my husband who can do that with almost anything! BNB - Big Nasty Brain!) My husband had sent me to Home Depot to look at it, after he had found it the day before...I liked it, so he told me to buy 20 cases...I did. Remember...this was 2 months ago!

This morning, he and my BIL were getting ready to lay the tile floor. I ran off to Home Depot to get 1/4" tile spacers for the job. As I walked into Home Depot, I went RIGHT BY the tile display that had been there when I bought the tile (2 months ago!). There was our tile, I looked at it...but, right next to it was the same KIND of tile with just a little darker color palette. I started to panic. I liked THIS new tile BETTER! Uh Oh. Well, I bought one to take home to hubby and walked in the door and said "You're going to hate me, but, I like this one better". TURNS OUT THIS WAS THE TILE I WAS SUPPOSED TO BUY THE FIRST TIME!!!! SO... we loaded the 20 cases back in my trunk...I took them over, unloaded, returned, reloaded and got the RIGHT ONE this time! I am ecstatic that we did not lay the wrong tile flooring! That would have been sooo soo sad! Not to mention, all my fault and that guilt would follow me to the grave (my mother trained me well in the guilt department). I'm grateful for the divine providence that took me to Home Depot this morning.

As the picture's on it's way down to the floor. My husband underestimated just how happy this tile floor would make me. I have wanted ceramic tile floors in my kitchen since we married almost 13 wonderful years ago. And this isn't the first time we've remodeled a kitchen! (last time the floor was just not level enough for it so we went with linoleum tiles). I am so tickled that it's the best tile, it's tile, and I can clean it easily, and the color palette of the newer tile (which was only .68/square foot!!!) is PERFECT.

So...hum "Ode to Joy" to yourself as you read this post because I am one happy chickie!!!! :D


  1. Wow, your floor is going to look great! I am glad you caught the mistake before it was too late.


  2. Your tile looks so good in your kitchen. I love tile as it's so easy to clean up. The one down side is that it's unforgiving about things that fall on it (i.e. glass & hard plastic). I can't wait to see how your kitchen turns out.

    Sheltie Girl @ Gluten a Go Go

  3. I need to post some pix of the floor all's done! :D

    The kitchen is about another 2 weeks from done...but we're holding up. Electrical almost done, painting almost done, floor done...I think cabinets will start going in really soon! YEEEHAWWWWW!!! :D

  4. I can't sit on the edge of my seat forever! Hurry, hurry, hurry...

    How's it going?

  5. How fun! Our current house has carpet in the kitchen and I'm sure you can imagine how that's been with a clumsy cook and a small child. I can't wait till we get to put something else down. Lucky you!

  6. very nice job! we're looking to get some new kitchen floor tile at my house. i'm really looking forward to getting it done.
