Monday, June 2, 2008

Summer Salad Monday - Broccoli Salad

So...just got back from vacation on Friday night. We left the house on Friday morning the 23rd and it was in the 50s in our little Philadelphia suburb. On arriving home last Friday, the temperatures were in the 80's and, lets just say, YUCKY humid.

It's summer. Once again, we've skipped spring and gone straight to summer. Well, to be fair, we had spring in April, winter returned in May, and then June is summer. :D

When it starts to get hot out, I start thinking "salads" for dinners, and sides. Anything to keep from heating up the kitchen. I have decided to start a series this summer for summer salads. On Mondays, I will share with you a favorite summer salad - either a main dish or a side. This should give you a few choices when the mercury reaches the awful temps!

On our vacation, my husband and I were talking about food. Food was a big thing for me this trip. Being forced to eat EVERY MEAL out for seven days really messes with your mind as a celiac. I think I've taken more Immodium in the last week, than I ever had. Granted, it doesn't prevent a reaction for me, but certainly slows the process if ya know what I mean! Well, we were talking about favorites, and my husband brought up his love for his mother's broccoli salad. Not a personal favorite of mine, but for my husband (of 13 years on June 3rd - Happy Anniversary honey!), I'll do anything!

Upon returning home, I emailed my SIL, Anne of Cooking With Anne, I figured if anyone would have it she would. (Well, as an aside, I searched thru every loving newsletter my MIL produced to no avail) Here's Annes response to me, verbatim "Broccoli - a couple nice sized heads, broken into florets. A few slices of bacon cooked crisp and crumbled, a cup or so of shredded cheddar and moisten the whole thing with mayo and cream until it "looks good" lol" . Now, you have to understand my SIL, she is a brilliant chef. Trained, and she cooks for 8 people every day (7 of them kids!!!!). She has an amazing palate, and can take 3 completely unrelated ingredients and turn them into the most amazing meal you've ever had! (Make sure to take time to check out her blog - she is NOT "gluten-free" but several of her recipes are certainly adaptable). Thanks Anne. :D

I kept track of my own measurements for this salad so that I could share it with you all. Now...I know when you hear salad, you hear "healthy". I'd like to tell you that this fits the bill...but...well...I can't. It is FAIRLY healthy. And is better than eating a pound of bacon in one sitting, BUT...this is one of those recipes to be savored and enjoyed!

I wasn't a Broccoli Salad fan when I started making this. I changed my mind. This was totally yummy! and a great summer treat. I dare you to make it for you next gathering or BBQ, I don't think you'll have leftovers, that is, if it makes it to the gathering or BBQ at all!

Broccoli Salad

2 to 3 nice sized heads of broccoli (save stems - recipe on this tomorrow!)
3 green onions, sliced thin
6 slices of bacon, cooked crisp
4 oz sharp cheddar cheese, cut in tiny dice (or shredded if you prefer)
2 tbs mayonnaise
2 tbs sour cream
pepper to taste

Cut broccoli into bite-sized florets. Combine with onion, crumbled bacon and cheese chunks. Add mayo, sour cream and pepper. Mix well and chill for about 2 hours before serving.


  1. I AM SO with you Krista!!! Salads are my favorite summer meal!! I'm trying to think of a new one for the next "go ahead honey it's gluten free event!!"

  2. Happy Anniversary, you two! Hey, I cook for 9 each day! I count myself most days. :)

  3. Oh yeah, I think that IS mom's recipe--just as it was written by her! I have one cookbook that it's in and I'll have to look at it, but I really think it's one of those "no measurement" deals.

  4. :) Carrie...I'll be watching for some of your salad creations! :D

    Anne! LOL...first, thanks for remembering our anniversary. THIRTEEN years! Whew. BLink and it's gone! ANd sorry, didn't count YOU! you REALLY get to eat?

    That's funny about Mom's recipe. i can believe it. Quite a few in the newsletters are that way. I just need to learn to trust myself. This was almost gone last night. Even the kids (well, 2 of them) liked it! bobby saved himself some for lunch today...but I'm sure it was calling him all last night! :D
