Saturday, May 12, 2007

Chocolate Chip Torte

Well, the last time I made chocolate chip cookies, I divided the dough in three and froze two thirds of it. That way, when I wanted cookies, I could have cookies without a lot of work. See COOKIE post below for recipe link for the cookie dough, or use about a lb of cookie dough from your favorite recipe.

I made this last night, for company. It is loosely based on my MIL's family recipe for "Chocolate Squares". Since I cannot have part of the base of the squares, I had to adapt it. Also, the cream layer is often too dense and rich for me, so I wanted to lighten it up a little bit, so I managed to add some stuff to that cream layer as well to lighten it up.

Chocolate Chip Torte


1/3 Cookie Dough recipe

Press into the bottom of a 9" spring form pan and bake 15 minutes in a 350 degree oven (or until toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean). Remove from oven and allow to cool. As it cools, it will sink in the center creating a well for the cream layer - now how perfect is that!!! Cool COMPLETELY. Leave springform pan in-tact for now...don't spring it! LOL :D


4 oz cream cheese, softened
2 oz butter, softened
3 Tbs. Vanilla Pudding Powder (I used Walmart's French Vanilla - labelled gluten free right on the box!)
3 Tbs. Milk
2 Cups powdered sugar

(I used my KitchenAid for this, you will need the whipper blade, or use your electric hand mixer) Whip cream cheese and butter together until well blended. Add pudding powder and milk. Continue whipping. Add powdered sugar, 1/2 Cup at a time, incorporate each "dose" before adding the 2nd. When all the sugar is in there, continue whipping for another 3 minutes until it's really smooth and creamy. Pour layer onto cooled cookie and spread into the well made by cooling (leaving the "edge"). Refridgerate 2 hours.


3 oz semi sweet chocolate

Melt on high in microwave on 30 minute intervals. Stir until melted smooth. Spread over cream layer. Put back in the fridge for at least an hour.

(you can drizzle instead of spread if you like....that will make it easier to cut).

Be prepared to go into insulin shock! It's very sweet and rich and worth every single calorie!


  1. Okay, now that just looks YUMMY!

    (aka BrightEyes)

  2. Looks good..

    I am sure your company loved it!

  3. Thanks! loved it. For dinner last night, knowing it was coming, he refrained from 2nds on the food so he could have dessert! LOL :D He woke up this morning to me frying gluten-free donuts. My husband loved them, again too.

  4. Happy Mother's Day! This looks fabulous. You are quite a cook!

  5. Thank you for the recipes. Say a prayer for me. We have tried the gf diet with great success, but adding my diabetes to the mix sometimes makes it really tough! I'm bookmarking your blog for recipes!

  6. Your welcome. AND THANK YOU. I hope this blog and these recipes serve you well. I know not all of them are diabetes friendly, for that I apologize, but, hopefully a few will be helpful!

  7. This looks amazing! I'm not much of a cook, but this one is definately on my "to try" list.


  8. Having been recently diagnosed with celiac disease, and not much of a cook or baker, I'm new to the whole thing. Some of your recipes look really good, though, and I'll certainly try some out. Thanks.
