Sunday, September 28, 2008

The view from the Wheat field....

Yes, I said it.

My health, continuing to decline despite my gluten-freeness caused us to redo the doctor route.

3 weeks ago I met with my gastroenterologist - a charming fellow who has the standard "Doctors are God" complex belittled my choice of self diagnosis on needing to be gluten free. Denied that he ever told me that my bloodwork was inconclusive, etc. And that all I have is IBS and he'll prove it by doing the endoscopy. Okay, maybe he wasn't that harsh about it - but said it between a wide smile that said "you are stupid". So...for three weeks I have been eating wheat in preparation for my test in early November. I have to say, I feel no different. I'm still tired, I'm still nauseous all the time, and I'm still have the same intestinal issues as before.

I do agree - however - staring down a lifelong denial of gluten, I'd really rather have conclusive evidence that I need to be there. And if I find out I am, in fact, a Celiac and I do, in fact, need to return to eating gluten-free, I will, with joy and newfound peace regarding it. I've come to know so many great folks, great recipes, and great foods since going gluten-free.

IF...I find out that I do not need to return and rejoin the world of Gluten Gluttons, I WILL leave this website here with the recipes that I've found, created, adapted, for others. They truly were satisfying substitutes, ones I'd be happy to eat the rest of my life.

I will keep you all posted. And if I come up with naturally gluten-free recipes on my other blog (, I will post them here as well.

So long (for now), and thanks for all the rice (not to mention tapioca, sorghum and millet!!).


  1. I'll be praying that you get some answers. Let me know how the test comes out.

    I have to admit that, if you do return to gluten, I sure will miss your recipes! :)

    Hoping that you feel better soon...


  2. I have enjoyed your blog.

    It sounds like we may be in similar places and I empathize with the stress and difficulty with doctors and diagnosis.

    I hope you get it figured out and start feeling better soon!

  3. May you find out what is causing your ills.

    By the way, a lot of gluten free recipes seem to incorporate soy. I personally have a big time problem with soy. Have you thought about other food allergies - i.e.- you can be celiac (or be wheat allergic/sensitive) and have other food allergies. .

  4. A lot of people don't get better right away after going gluten-free, especially if they are having problems with other things they eat. There are a lot of celiacs who can't tolerate casein and soy.

    Why don't you get tested through Enterolab? It's easy and conclusive, unlike the blood test.

  5. My son has Celiac (unofficially diagnosed. I made the diagnosis myself like you did). He also has reactions to milk or anything with casein. It may be that gluten is a problem for you, but not the only problem. After you do your testing you may need to try cutting out diary, eggs, and soy for a little while. Sometimes you can have them again after the damage is healed (sometimes 6 months or more), sometimes you're just stuck. Good luck!

  6. Hi
    Hope you get the answers you need. My husband is in the same situation, although they are taking him more seriously now our son has a definite celiac diagnosis. He would be so ill if he went back on wheat for their tests.
    All the best!

  7. I am new to your blog, so I'm not sure if you have thought of this already...but could it be candida?

  8. I know what you mean about GI doctors and their god complexes. I still haven't found a GI doctor I'm comfortable with. Mine told me that the Enterolab tests were a waste of money, but it was clear to me that he was not familiar with the particular company. He just figured anything he didn't offer must be useless. And he said that while many people feel better after quitting gluten, it was often because they thereby also gave up a lot of preservatives and artificial non-foods, and a lot of people are sensitive to some of that stuff. And so I shouldn't quit gluten. All I heard was "Yeah, you might feel better."

    Enterolab tests showed that I was definitely sensitive to gluten, and that I have the genes for gluten sensitivity (whatever that means), and that I do not have the genes for Celiac (again, whatever that means).

    Anyway, it took about two months till I started noticing a difference, and several more months before it really seemed to be out of my system.

    I really hope you find something that will work for you. I initially thought that if only I had a name for what was wrong with me, I'd feel so much better. Then I got the Crohn's diagnosis, and it posed at least as many questions as it answered. But I really hope that you get a definitive diagnosis that gives you clear steps to better health.

  9. Farmers will get the chance to see an LSU AgCenter demonstration plot of wheat varieties at an April 6 field day.

  10. Have you tried taking probiotics? If not you should. Find one with no dairy in case you have problems digesting dairy. New Chapter makes several good ones. Ilike the one called All Flora. If you do have IBS it will help you.
    Praying for you.:)
