Sunday, November 16, 2008

An Update....


I had the endoscopy on 11/7. I should have final biopsy results soon. Initial reports say no Celiac. I'm going on the assumption that this will be what the biopsies say. I continue to search for the reasons of my health issues.

Regardless of the answer, I will leave this blog up. There are many recipes I really enjoyed, and I know others did too. Also, I love cooking, so I will ALWAYS have recipes that will be naturally gluten-free, and I will blog them here to share with all of you.

I appreciate your patience as I go through this process, and in so, reinvent myself again, at 40.


  1. Good luck finding your answers.


  2. Well, it stinks that you still don't know what's up, but you can at least be thankful it's not Celiac, right?!

    I hope you get an answer soon. Not knowing is pretty awful.

    AND...a HUGE thanks for leaving up the site and the recipes. I - for one - am SUPER appreciative. (As you can tell from my EXCITED letters!)

  3. Hi:

    Some of your symptoms sound as if you might have chronic epstein bar aka chronic mononucleosis aka chronic fatigue syndrome. There is a blood test for it. And, there are things you can do for it. I had it, saw a holistic doctor who prescribed a number of herbal/homeopathic remedies, and voila - I no longer have it.

    Best of luck.

  4. Have you been checked for Crohns disease? The symptoms are similar as I have a friend with Crohns. Good luck in finding the answers about your health

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I have been thinking about you. I am still on the road to healing as well, trying different things here and there to get better. Take care.

  7. Hi. Wow, last comment was 11/16/08. I just found your blog - had blood tests that came back positive for celiac and waiting for the endoscopy. I just wanted to say thanks for leaving this blog up! The recipes look fantastic and I'm very appreciative of all the time and effort you put in to creating this blog.

  8. THANKS Jill! I'm glad you're enjoying it.

  9. Check out a book by Stephen Wangen called "Healthier Without Wheat." He has a good discussion in there about why you may be gluten intolerant and not have damage to the small intestines (30 times more common than actually having celiac disease, and just as serious a health problem). He also has a good discussion about why you might go off gluten and still not get better, and what to do about it.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Thank you all that posted ACTUAL comments. I've been going through deleting comments from folks advertising products, etc. Drives me nuts!

  12. Hi, I stumbled across your site looking for a recipe. My 3-year old is gluten sensitive, but it took 5 months and 3 doctors to confirm it. I heard it takes something like 6 docs and 10 years for most Americans (thye wait until your intestines are destroyed before they diagnose). Our 3rd doctor directed us to Enterolab, where there is an essay by Dr. Knneth Fine called "Before the Villi Have Gone." They have a very accurate stool test. We are so relieved that, after 5 months of diarrhea and other health problems, all we had to do to rescue our little guirl from her misery was remove gluten from her diet. If you want to hear our whole story, you can email me at

  13. Good luck with the results. I wanted to let others know of a new site as well that you might find interesting: is very helpful in finding gluten free items at your favorite restaurants.

  14. I don't know if this information will be helpful to you or not but, I've been getting LDA (low dose allergen) shots for 6 months. I've had the opportunity to talk with other patients who suffered terribly with all kinds of symptoms which were alleviated almost completely after several treatments. It might be worth looking into. It is used to treat food allergy in addition to environmental, chemical and pet allergies.

  15. Please go read this book......The GLuten just came out, brings together all the latest research.
    you CAN have gluten sensitivity with NO celiac. Celiac is just ONE way gluten affects people who react to gluten.Your biopsy will be negative. My test was negative. My fecal test from Enterolab was positive. I gave up gluten and ALL my symptoms went away!
    You dont need an endoscopy people!!
    Please, if you do one thing for your this book!

  16. I just found your blog today. I am having similar issues. I have been having a lot of issues with my digestive system, and now answers from doctors. Thanks so much!

  17. Just wanted to let you know that I have never been tested for celiac but I have a lot of problems with wheat (multitude of symptoms). I started eating a lot of corn products to replace wheat. Guess what, I now have more symptoms from corn than wheat but both bother me. Good luck in finding your answers, for me, I have come to accept my problems without trying to find answers. I pretty much eat wheat free, when I don't I pay dearly.


  18. Hi!
    My name is Miki and I own "Slice, the perfect food" ( and we JUST launched our new amazing gluten-free pizza crust after four hard months of testing and re-testing and adding a few key ingredients (like potato flour)! Our gf customers are so excited because they think it tastes like real pizza crust!

    Please visit our newest location in the West Village!

    Slice West Village. 535 Hudson Street btwn Perry and Charles

    We also launched a few new gluten-free and vegan dessert items!
    We also have Daiya vegan cheese which is dairy-free, casein-free and soy free and it actually melts!
    The pizza tastes SO good!
    Come and check it out when you get a chance!

  19. If you ever come back to this blog (I came back to get the banana muffin recipe!), I would like to make a suggestion.

    Call Metametrix Laboratories (Ga.) and find a Dr in your area who can give you a kit to do a comprehensive stool analysis. It is not like the standard ones the neighborhood labs do. (about 395.00)

    You may have some gut infections/issues or an autoimmune disease that is affecting your gut. I am sure you ruled out H.Pylori? The best detection is with breath test.

    This is the best lab in the country and one I use in my practice. I am a holistic physician.

  20. If you are NOT eating gluten your results will come back negative. Gluten has to be in your system for you to get a positive result.

  21. I bumped into your blog looking for recipes - just entering the gluten-free world for my daughter's sake. I'm sure you've thought about eliminating milk ... but juuuust in case you haven't, you should give it a try! Good luck!!

  22. Hey,
    I was in your same situation diagnosed with IBS in 1990. I was recently diagnosed with Chron's disease and had my sigmoid colon removed. My biopsy can back negative for Celiac as well but I tell you this since recently adopting GF diet, I feel better and my stomach doesn't hurt and cramp.Fact is once there is damage it is very hard to tell exactly what caused the damage. For me I am hoping staying GF will mean no more strictures am I allergic, I don't know but I feel better when I don't eat it. I too want answers but at least no cancer yet.

  23. I know that this is a pretty old post and I dont even know if you check the comments anymore but I figured I would comment anyway. I found your site will looking for a gluten free chilli recipe and when I found the blog I checked it out and really like lots of the recipes. I too have many of the same issues you have recently had a colonoscopy after a CAT scan showed an inflammed colon but nothing was found internally I have tested negative for crohns and celiac however now they are saying I have Eosinophilic gastroenteritis. Do yourself a favor and look into it. I also wanted to say I saw that it says you live in lansdale. I live near Reading PA. Small world is it not! I hope that by now you have answers!

  24. Thank you all so much for posting! Will read the books and check out the things you have mentioned. I have been "okay", but am still considering re-adopting a gluten-free lifestyle. I DO have fibromyalgia. And I DO NOT absorb nutrients. I have recently started IV Iron injections because my anemia is so bad. Continuing to research and hope to find answers. Even if I don't...I might come back!

    Thank you, again, all of you, for commenting. :)

  25. You do know you can not have Celiac and still be gluten intolarant? A great book that explains it all is Healthier without wheat, by Dr. Stephen Wangen.
